Scientists, engineers, and experts design a vehicle to Mars in the United States explained the new plan "Mars 2020". Immediately answered obsession human to set foot on Mars?Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Washington DC has a new racket. They are building a new vehicle to land on the surface of Mars in 2021. His name is Mars in 2020.In general, the display vehicles they build it like its predecessor, Curiosity. Mars 2020 also will use the chassis and landing system "tow" the same, as the parts used on Curiosity. The difference is, there is an adjustment compartment equipment, including carbon dioxide conversion tool in a pure oxygen atmosphere of Mars became increasingly closer to man's obsession to know more closely the planet.The existence of modifier instrument of CO2 into oxygen that is vital in the roadmap plan humans landed to the "Red Planet" at the same time exploring the possibility of humans living there. Oxygen is also important in the production chain of rocket fuel that enables it to bring home a number of research materials to the earth, including the collection of surface rocks of Mars for more in-depth investigation."Today we made another important step on the way to Mars," said NASA administrator Charles Bolden, while announcing a program of scientific vehicle Mars 2020 in Washington, DC, on Thursday (31/7). Curiosity has been exploring the surface of Mars since August 2012 and conducted a number of experiments.Special vehicles earlier, Opportunity, which landed to the surface of Mars in 2004, a record exploration as far as 40 kilometers. That's a new record. There is no record of the distance that has been taken Curiosity.Back to the Mars program 2020. sophisticated equipment that will be transported to support another experiment is measuring equipment temperature, wind speed and direction, pressure, humidity, and dust the size of Mars (Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer / MEDA). Another tool is the radar scanner rock structure beneath the surface of Mars in the centimeter scale.With a variety of technological sophistication that is transported and ready to be activated in robotics that, the engineers believe all it can reveal some mysteries of Mars. "This mission will continue our quest of life in the universe, while offering new opportunities in exploration technology," said John Grunsfeld, astronaut and administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate.The existence of an advanced camera with the ability to record high-resolution three-dimensional film-making and analyzing the chemical composition of the surface of Mars, each Mastcam-Z and SuperCam, becoming a sort of "representative" of man there."As you yourself who are on Mars," said Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for NASA's Human Explorations and Operations.Vehicles and Mars missions in 2020 will also increase human understanding of how the human exploration in the future, if it is possible to use existing resources on Mars, thereby reducing the burden of a vehicle transported to Mars. Furthermore, the mission will also help people recognize the dangers of exposure to dust of Mars.Proposal scientistsOverall, there are seven instruments that will be transported to the Mars 2020 Mars. The instrument seventh distillate 58 proposals were submitted to the researchers and engineers from around the world.They are the experts who have an interest in the investigation of the various mysteries on Mars that at the same time allowing their proposed technology can be "pinned" on Mars vehicle in 2020.The entire instrument that weighs about 45 pounds, while the weight of Mars in 2020 approximately 1 ton. The weight of the load being transported Curiosity about 75 kg.Technically, "mobile laboratory" was driven radioisotope generator which allows the vehicle to operate at least one full Martian year. That equates to 687 days on Earth.To build and develop the seven selected technology would require a budget of about 130 million US dollars, or about Rp 1.3 trillion (exchange rate of Rp 10,000).So, whether it is commensurate with what would result? "Exploration of Mars will be the legacy of this generation and vehicle Mars 2020 will be another critical stage of the human journey to the 'Red Planet'," said Charles Bolden who is also head of the US Space Program.Design a "new but old" is actually being developed simultaneously to the main stage, which is to answer the challenge of US President Barack Obama, sending humans to Mars in 2030. In addition to the US, a step toward Mars also carried the European Space Agency (ESA). They planned landing mission called Insight, while in 2018 the ExoMars mission.The next question, why scientists and space research institute in the world was obsessed with Mars? What Bolden said in April 2014 might provide an answer, "If the species is going to survive indefinitely, we must be multiplanet species. We must go to Mars because Mars is a stepping stone to other solar systems. "And, one important factor is to ensure the presence of oxygen.
Mars Oxygen
Reviewed by Dramaqi
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