If not Sun Shines on Earth ...
Mixed dark red sky, the Sun was slowly down and finally disappeared in the western horizon. When the sunset is one of the incredible scenery of nature presented.Just a few minutes before disappearing from view, the Sun gives color to the sky: dark orange, red, purple, and pink or pink.It is caused by the interaction of molecules in Earth's atmosphere with sunlight, a process called 'scattering' or scattering.When a light particles collide with molecules, it will bounce or spread into a random direction. Because blue light burst more easily than other people, the sky will look blue at noon.However, at sunrise and sunset, the light passes through the Earth's atmosphere is deeper. As a result, the light cut more molecules of air, before it gets to the surface of the human planet. At that time, most of the blue light can not be caught the eye rather than during the day. The human eye only see a red light, orange, and yellow light - a spectacular sunset colors.Because sunset occur every day, humans think of it as a matter of course. In fact, if the Sun were replaced by other stars of different size, color, and temperature, then the sunset that we see will undoubtedly be different.How different? Martin Vargic along with Halcyon Maps 'create' an image of the momentum appearance if the Sun were replaced another star - like Barnard's Star smaller. Or larger and hotter as Aldebaran.In his interpretation, Martin Vargic using spectral class star respectively, based on the scheme used by astronomers to represent the temperature of the star.Most stars are currently classified by using letters, from the hottest to the coldest: O, B, A, F, G, K, and M.Here's a view of the sunset, when the Sun is replaced other stars in the universe. "However, this is only a concept, because the water and conditions as the Earth as we know it is not equivalent around other stars. The visualization is based on the absolute light, spectral class, and the radius of each star," he revealed Halycon Maps website, was quoted as saying Thursday
If not Sun Shines on Earth ...
Reviewed by Dramaqi
6:13:00 AM