Cockroaches in the Future Can Save Mankind

Behind the figures are considered disgusting, cockroaches can be utilized as a hero in the future to help mankind.Reported ScienceLife pages, Thursday (03/05/2015), a team of researchers implanting electrodes in the cockroach body to stimulate the nerves in the insect antenna. Electrodes on the body of the cockroach can be controlled by scientists like toys with remote control.One of a materials scientist from Texas A & M University in College Station, Hong Liang even stated that the fleet cyborg cockroaches have better capabilities when compared with small-scale robots that currently exist.The plan, the cockroaches are controlled by the remote control will be prompted to enter areas that can not reach a human. "(Cockroach) can go wherever you lead them, including a man can not go, like a disaster zone," said Liang.In the latest experiment, Liang and his colleagues implanting electrodes on the nerves cockroaches Periplaneta Americana and blaberus types discoidalis. Scientists put a small backpack on the back of cockroaches for containing a microcontroller, a wireless transceiver and battery.Cyborg cockroaches forces formed to be chained and run for about a person who controls the trackball while they will deliver an electric current to the insect nerve to direct the movement of a cockroach. It sounds cruel, but Liang and his colleagues argue they still act humanely on the seranga."Although seem harsh, we do not make the roaches work hard and leave them to rest too," said Liang.
Cockroaches in the Future Can Save Mankind
Reviewed by Dramaqi
5:28:00 AM