What is Fat Water?
You may have heard there is a method or technique detox diet, even water pills, which can help us lose weight quickly because we lose water weight, not fat.
a diet that gives instant results it generally only removes the liquid or water laymen refer to it as fat.
Approximately 50-60 percent of our body weight consists of water. More or less water retained in the body fluctuate depending on diet. For example, frequent intake of foods containing salt can trigger cell as well as a sponge absorbs water.
Similarly, a diet high in sugar which would trigger a higher insulin levels in the blood, so the body to retain sodium.
Too much intake of carbohydrates will also make the body store it as energy reserves, as well as save water. This is why we often feel very fullness after eating a lot of carbs.
These facts may explain why when we diet, usually in the first week of weight quickly dropped. Basically, the body is rid of the excess water that had been detained.
When we undergo a strict diet, a decrease in the intake of calories which will make the body burn stored energy or glycogen. Because glycogen bound with water, burning glycogen also means removing water.
"But keep in mind, so we hydrate the body, the needle on the scales may go up slightly. This does not mean the body to retain fluid in an unhealthy way, but the body is adjusting to our new diet," said Ashvini Mashru, physician nutrition.
Slow but steady
Losing water weight is normal and to be part of the weight loss process. When the body has to adjust to the new diet, there are several ways you can do to keep water weight under control.
Avoid the intake of salt and sugar is one way to prevent fluid retention. Believe it or not, drinking enough water also helps prevent fat water.
"When we do not drink enough water, your body will actually help it to maintain important cells functioning normally," he said.
Running weight loss method with a slow but steady also more effective to prevent the body enlarges rapidly after restricting diet.
"Limiting the calories in a long period can cause fluid retention. This happens because of the reduction in calories lead to increased stress hormone, cortisol, which causes fluid retention," he said.
So, despite overall body fat decreases but the body will hold more water. Safer if we run a healthy balanced diet but not excessive intake of food. Do not forget to multiply physical activity, and let the body do its job.
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What is Fat Water?
Reviewed by Dramaqi
8:58:00 AM