This Proof Air Balloon trails Google in Indonesia

Google air balloon used in the project "Project Loon" This morning fly in the airspace Indonesia. Google Tracks air balloon can be seen through the application Flightradar 24.

On Friday (07/11/2014), around 09.30 am, the application detects Flightradar 24 Google balloon that flew on the southern tip of Sumatra island, above the area around Bandar Lampung. The balloon flew move eastward.

From the data presented by Flightradar 24, Google is air balloon flying at an altitude of 60,000 feet (18,000 meters), with an average speed of about 10 knots. The cruising altitude balloon certainly will not disrupt the flow of air traffic as a maximum cruising altitude of commercial aircraft typically between 35,000 feet and 40,000 feet (10,000 meters).

Applications Flightradar 24 itself is currently available in the Google Play Store and Apple's App Store, and can be installed on Android and iOS devices.

Project Loon is a Google project to bring the Internet network in remote locations with balloon rides that act like a satellite. The balloon flew using solar power.

Loon Project will expand network coverage internet world by creating a Wi-Fi network in the air using balloons. The project is expected to provide Internet access for people in remote areas that are difficult to reach traditional infrastructure.

Google air balloons used in Project Loon has initiated its examination since June 2013 last. At that time, there were about 30 balloons were launched from New Zealand and transmits the internet signal to a tester.

"Since launching Project Loon in New Zealand last year, we continue to conduct a flight test to develop the technology," Google wrote in a statement.

Looking ahead, the Loon Project will continue to be developed more broadly with the ultimate goal of forming a "ring" that circles the Earth so that the internet connection is received on the ground unbroken.

However, because of the lack of information, not everyone knows what Loon Project so that it actually cause panic. As happened in June 2014 and in New Zealand, when the blimp Google pulled ashore and panicked residents around.
This Proof Air Balloon trails Google in Indonesia This Proof Air Balloon trails Google in Indonesia Reviewed by Dramaqi on 5:44:00 AM Rating: 5