UN: Technology Trigger Children Do Violence
The data show the population of Internet users in Indonesia last year reached 83.7 million people.
As a victim, a child can experience the deep trauma after brutalized by other children. Even more appalling, said the former Director of UNICEF, the acts of violence committed by other children also affect the brain development of children.
Hold Media Important Role Prevent Child Abuse
"He could have low confidence to adults or those who care for them, loss of appetite, sleep, and play or socialize," said Santos, who met at Menara Thamrin, on Thursday, February 26th, 2015.
In addition to the technology, the way parents educate children, also can trigger violent behavior of children. Unfortunately, continued Santos, norms and traditions rooted in the community is an opportunity to justify practices of child abuse.
"For example, parents choose to discipline naughty children with physical punishment or even embarrass the child," he said.
Deputy Child Protection, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment, Wahyo Hartono, suggested that prospective parents participate given training or advice on how to be good parents before they were married.
"We have submitted the proposal to the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) and took Fostering Family Welfare (PKK) to perform various repairs. Therefore, parents have an important role in children's development in the future," he added.
UN: Technology Trigger Children Do Violence
Reviewed by Dramaqi
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