
USS Zumwalt
General Dynamics Bath Iron Works (BIW) launched the first Zumwalt class destroyers for the US Navy (US Navy) at the shipyard Maine, October 28, 2013. The USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) is designed for littoral operations and ground attack that will be ship The main US Navy destroyer.
With the characteristic length of 186 meters, weighs 15 610 tons displacement, angular superstructure (corner), gastric low-slung "tumblehome" to cleave the waves so smooth sailing, Zumwalt does not look like a naval vessel normally. Other devices are embedded, including electric propulsion and futuristic bridge, looks more like a ship in a fiction film rather than naval vessels.
Zumwalt were worth US $ 4 billion (approximately USD 44.8 million) was built by the shipyard BIW in Maine, Kennebec River was launched on Monday, carrying construction took five years since construction began. Zumwalt hull number DDG-1000 is the first ship of the class to replace the destroyer DDG-51 Arleigh Burke class. Construction cost overruns and defense budget cuts led to the Pentagon to cut this program only for 3 ships. Zumwalt 30 meters longer than its predecessor (Arleigh Burke class), but only requires half the crew only.
Because of its complexity, the US Navy will receive Zumwalt through two stages. BIW will be handed directly to the US Navy at the end of 2014. After delivery, the US Navy will then conduct combat system activation and subsequent trials. Then handed back to BIW for some work and then submitted back to the US Navy in the fall of 2015. USS Zumwalt new possibilities will be fully operational in early 2016. The second vessel of the Zumwalt class, USS Michael Monsoor (DDG-1001) is scheduled to be delivered in 2016, and the third ship USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002) will be delivered in 2018.
General Dynamics Bath Iron Works (BIW) launched the first Zumwalt class destroyers for the US Navy (US Navy) at the shipyard Maine, October 28, 2013. The USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) is designed for littoral operations and ground attack that will be ship The main US Navy destroyer.
With the characteristic length of 186 meters, weighs 15 610 tons displacement, angular superstructure (corner), gastric low-slung "tumblehome" to cleave the waves so smooth sailing, Zumwalt does not look like a naval vessel normally. Other devices are embedded, including electric propulsion and futuristic bridge, looks more like a ship in a fiction film rather than naval vessels.
Zumwalt were worth US $ 4 billion (approximately USD 44.8 million) was built by the shipyard BIW in Maine, Kennebec River was launched on Monday, carrying construction took five years since construction began. Zumwalt hull number DDG-1000 is the first ship of the class to replace the destroyer DDG-51 Arleigh Burke class. Construction cost overruns and defense budget cuts led to the Pentagon to cut this program only for 3 ships. Zumwalt 30 meters longer than its predecessor (Arleigh Burke class), but only requires half the crew only.
Because of its complexity, the US Navy will receive Zumwalt through two stages. BIW will be handed directly to the US Navy at the end of 2014. After delivery, the US Navy will then conduct combat system activation and subsequent trials. Then handed back to BIW for some work and then submitted back to the US Navy in the fall of 2015. USS Zumwalt new possibilities will be fully operational in early 2016. The second vessel of the Zumwalt class, USS Michael Monsoor (DDG-1001) is scheduled to be delivered in 2016, and the third ship USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002) will be delivered in 2018.

USS Zumwalt 

USS Zumwalt
Zumwalt will be in the front line and support special operations forces and operates as part of a joint expeditionary force. The US Navy has a lot to add new technology into this unique hull ships, including an all-electric system of integrated power and the Advanced Gun System is designed to fire a rocket-powered. This ship can carry two MH-60R helicopter or an MH-60R helicopter unmanned plus 3 (VTUAS). Zumwalt 148 crew will also enjoy a sophisticated on-board facilities, with little crew per quarter, food stocks and high-end satellite laptop.
USS Zumwalt destroyer has become the largest ever built for the US Navy, but even so, Zumwalt claimed to be the most difficult to detect radar. The design also makes the number of crew is more efficient, with a standard size of 130 crew and 18 crew flight detachment thus reducing operating costs and life cycle.
DDG-1000 began construction in February 2009. The US Navy and its industry partners are working together to design and setting up of industrial facilities to build this powerful combatant ships. When launched (now), new Zumwalt 87% completed, and the builder will resume construction work remaining in the stomach before it received the US Navy in the next year.
Name USS Zumwalt taken to honor the former Chief of Staff US Navy Admiral Elmo R. "Bud" Zumwalt Jr., who served as Chief of Staff of the US Navy in 1970-1974. Inauguration USS Zumwalt actually planned on October 19, but was canceled until an undetermined because the US government shutdown.
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